Friday, February 18, 2011

You Gotta be Shittin Me !!

Are you a bloghopper ? I mean do you ever click on the "next blog" button, to see where it takes you ?? 
You should try it sometimes. But NOT YET !!
Read mine first,,, then start hoppin,,,who knows,,,you may find somebody you admire.

Most of you would never think that I almost named this blog,
"You Gotta Be Shittin Me !"
"No Kidding !!"

Some history buffs probably already know this forgotten  fact.
I didn't know until I got this info in a email from Cousin Donna.
So I know it's true !!

Have you ever wondered who first uttered the phrase  'You Gotta Be Shittin Me'?

Well, it just  so happens to have originated through the Father of  Our Country, 
way back when George Washington  was crossing the Delaware River with his  troops.

There were 33 (remember this  number) in Washington's boat. It was
extremely  dark and storming furiously and the water was tossing  them about.

Finally,  Washington grabbed Corporal Peters (remember this name)  and
stationed him at the front of the boat  with a lantern.

He ordered him to keep  swinging it, so they could see where they were  heading.
Corporal Peters, through driving rain  and cold, continued swinging the lantern 
back and forth, back and forth.

Then a big gust  of wind and a wave hit and threw Corporal Peters  and
his lantern into the Delaware . Washington and his troops searched for
nearly an hour  trying to find Corporal Peters, but to no avail. 
All  of them felt terrible, for the Corporal had  been one of their favorites.

Sometime  later, Washington and his troops landed on the other  side,wet and totally exhausted .
He rallied  the troops and told them that they must go  on.

Another hour later, one of his men  said, 'General, I see lightsahead.' 
They  trudged toward the lights and came upon a huge  house.
What they didn't know was that this was  a house of Ill Repute,
hidden in the forest to serve all who came.

General Washington  pounded on the door, his men crowding around  him.
The door swung open, and much to his surprise stood a beautiful woman.
A huge smile  came across her face, to see so many men standing  there.

Washington was the first to speak,  'Madam, I am General GeorgeWashington and  these are my men.
We are tired , wet, exhausted and desperately need warmth and  comfort.'

Again, the Madam looked at all  the men standing there, and with a
broad smile  on her face, said, 'Well, General, you have come to  the right place. 
We can surely give you warmth  and comfort. How many men do you  have?'

Washington replied , 'Well, Madam,  there are 32 of us without Peters, and  the Madam said,

'You gotta be shittin me.'

 ManOMan,,, It's almost as if spring is here,,,but I know better. See that weather underground icon on the right side of my page ? It gives the local temp here and the wrong damn time. (it's an hour behind me for some reason today.(Stupid)
But you can click on that, it'll take you to the local page for here, type your city or zipcode in the search bar on that page and it'll give you your local weather and some of the news. 
I think you'll like it,,,save it in your favs ;o)

Man it has been beautiful outside,,,it's almost time to drag the spyder out and clean her up,,,then go have some fun. I'm ready to feel the wind in my hair,,,and across the top of my bald head.
At least in this part of the world,,I can still afford a little fun,,,,but dang !! I wouldn't want to be caught speeding in other parts of the world...Speeding Fines

I think when the nice officer asks,, "Sir,why are you speeding ??"
I'm going to tell him/her/it,,,"I'm trying to out run the solar flares"

There's a whole lot of shaking going on.

 Faith is not about everything turning out OK; 
Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out.

Have a great weekend !!

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