Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yeah,,,Old Man Winter Strikes Again

Hey we survived another monday !!
Mannn,,they're talking like it's going to get rough. 
Blizzard warnings about a 100 miles away. 2-4" of ice and snow for us...
It was 70* just a couple days ago !!

For some reason,,,it drives people nuts around here.
People start running to the stores and stocking up on supplies, 
buying propane stoves and generators,,
Closing schools and business'..total chaos.And that's mostly just the city folks.
For me,,,,just another day of the week.
I'm not going to get freaked out on a weather forecast.

"If" it snows and ices,,,"If" the electric goes off,,I'll deal with it. But until then...thpppt.

I been blog hoppin again,,,that's where I pick one of the links over there on the right and check it out,,,then click on one of their links to somebody else's world.

You can learn a lot from other people,, like,,,Don't fart in your coveralls...
There's no such thing as blinker fluid,,but there is such a thing as bulb grease.

Found some good laughs here. I love a woman in uniform.
BWS tips button

After going and seeing Momma's Awards from
the Queen and the Dutchess,,I wound up at..

One Crazy Brunette Chick
I usually look for Blogs that make me smile,,,give me a chuckle. Not often, but every now and then,, I find someone I admire.(A lot !) And MaryJo is a fine example. I love the title...
"Put On Your Big Girl Pants and Just Get On With It"and it's about....
"One woman's journey through breast cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy". Alternative cancer therapies are also explored.
I haven't got cancer (far as I know) but I enjoyed the read, and I think anybody going through chemo and such would enjoy MaryJo's info. Put On Your Big Girl Pants

It's about time we visited Jodi again.

Welp...it's gettin ugly outside now,,,time to wrap this up and hit the sack. Hope you have a wonderful week and stay safe and warm,,,see ya next time.

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