Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Women are funny.....
I don't know about you, but I'm a guy. Or last time I checked,,I was.
And everybody knows, Guys like looking at girls,,,hell, even girls know guys like looking at em.
But you know what guys ?
It's the girls get gussied up for the other guys, that make us all winners.

 Why you think they spend so much money on makeup,fake eyelashes,fake hair, fake tans,fake boobs.
It's not for OooomWa's it's for the other guys they may run into.
Dammit, they're just a bunch of fakes.

But think about it for just a minute,,after you've been around a woman awhile and you've seen her at her worse,,, sick,tired,no sleep from taking care of the baby and such, she starts feeling relaxed.
She starts answering the door in curlers and a robe.....
And then it happens........ she becomes...faceless.

When I say..."Hey Honey,,,let's go out to eat"...and she says "hold on,,I got to put my face on"....??? 
I'm like WTF???? When did it fall off ???? Does it hurt when it falls off ??

And wtf's the deal anyway,,,I look at you for 3 days and you don't put your pretty face on...but we go to town and  whoooaa,,you gotta put  your face on for people who are only going to see you half an hour,,,oh and you spray that stuff on that makes you smell pretty and drives me wild... if you don't over spray,,,,,
but it wasn't for me.

Hold it,,,I'm sorry,,,I just came to the earth moving realization,,,,
that the other girls are doing it for me.
 And I wouldn't want to disappoint them,,,after they spent all that money and time.

Tell me this girl doesn't want me to look at her.
She's practically begging me to look at her.

And I like the way "Angry White Dude" thinks...absolutely brilliant idea !!

Ernie,I don't give a shit what they say  
,,,still makes me feel better ;)

But I tell you what guys,,,you might want to keep your trap shut about this earth shattering news.
And not discuss this blog,,,,,just take her more places and she'll always have her face on.

I don't get out much. I hardly know my neighbors. Seems like I mostly sleep and work. 
But I still like to check every now and then,just to see,, what's going on around me.
Put your zip code in the box and you may be surprised. Who Knows ?


A  beautiful fairy appeared one day to a destitute  Mexican refugee Outside an Arizona   immigration office.

 "Good man," the fairy  said, "I've been sent here by President Obama  and told to grant you three wishes, since you  just arrived in the United States with your  wife and eight children."

 The man told  the fairy,  "Well, where I come from we  don't have the good Teeth, so I want new  teeth, maybe a lot of gold in them."

 The  fairy looked at the man's almost toothless grin  and -- PING !-- he
 Had a brand new shining set  of gold teeth in his mouth!

 "What else?"  asked the fairy, "Two more to go."

 The  refugee claimant now got bolder.  "I need a  big house with a three Car garage in Phoenix on the water with eight bedrooms for my family  and the rest of my relatives who still live in my country..  I want to bring them all over  here" --- and -- PING !-- in the distance there  could Be seen a beautiful mansion with a  three car garage, a long driveway, a walkout  patio with a BBQ in an upscale neighborhood  overlooking the water.

 "One more wish",  said the fairy, waving her wand.

 "Yes,  one more wish.  I want to be like an  American with American Clothes
instead of  these torn clothes, and a baseball cap instead  of
 This sombrero.  And I want to have  white skin like Americans" ---and --- PING !  -- The man was transformed - wearing worn out  jeans, a Diamond-Backs T-shirt and a baseball  cap.

 He had his bad teeth back and the  mansion had disappeared from the horizon.
 "What happened to my new  teeth?"  He wailed, "Where is my new  house?"

 THIS IS GOOD . . . . . . .  .



 The fairy said:
 "Tough s***,  Amigo, Now that you are a White American, you  have to fend for yourself." So go get a job, pay taxes, pay for your medical, pay for your housing and food and see most of your money being spent on illegals.

Yeahhh,, suck it up cupcake !!  You're an American now !!
I hope you have a great week and let your Spirit soar.

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