Friday, February 25, 2011

Can't Remember the Title

Hey there,,I hope you're doing well.
I know life is getting a little rough when you wind up here. 
You've already done everything on the internet and this is the last stop.
Bored out of your socks aintcha ?

It's been a good week,,, 
Heck, they're all good weeks if you're walking,talking and wiping your own drool. (in my book)
Believe me I know from experience.

I don't know how your mind works,,,but OoomWa's is screwed.
I'll be walking along,alone,thinking about all the bullshit going on in the 
world, in the U.S.,, in the state,county, my town and our neighborhood and
I come up with an idea that would solve everybodies problem.

Then it happens,,,"OOOO something shiny !!" and my idea disappears.
I'm sorry about that :/
Dammit,,we was this close -

But anyways,,, sometimes I set here and my mind races with thoughts and questions.
Then, I'm just blank, I really have nothing to talk about. 

Oh sure,,I could talk about the news,,,naaa,,,we're here because we're tired of the news,,,
(it's a real downer)

So tell me,,,,what are you looking for ???
In my mind,,,the perfect place has something for everybody,,,and is user friendly.

Do you want Porn ? Well,,,I don't post porn. 
Maybe some cleavage or a bikini clad babe, Oh Yeah

And who knows maybe even a hot guy for you ladies.

But that's about it from me.
HeHeHe !! Okay,,Okay,,I hear ya grumblin,,,,
Keep your shirt on !!
Or better yet, take it off !!

 However,, over there on the right side of the page,
in the box labeled "cool places"is a couple links for ya.
They're not actually porn sites, but it's available if you want it. 
You're Welcome.

Ernie's has a variety of things,maybe a ramble,cool games,boobs,
reviews on autos and guns,tributes to soldiers...etc.
He also raises money and frequent flier miles to send 
young service men and women home for the holidays
.(Good guy in my book)
He's very popular and has a bunch of links for what your har,,, ummm heart desires.
Ernie's is a one man show,,,and he does a great job. 
(Like I said,,a little something for everybody)
The little links outlined in green are safe,,,the ones in red are nnnnasty,,,just so you know

Morty's is whole different story.
It's a community of people from all over the world, intertwined into a twisted world, 
and anybody who joins can start threads and share links,stories and info.
So there's a veryyy wiiiide variety of things there,,,,jokes,games,laughs,and yes,,,
even useless porn. The nnnnasty links are identified by a (NSFW).
 Be sure to check the comments for most of the humor while you're there.

Music ? well if you're not into stealing,
go join, you'll be glad you did, they'll give ya free mp3's
I'm not too sure what kind of deal they have, but I like it. 
And not only that,they also have some "good deals on a lot of other stuff".
itunes is cool too,,but I like the amazon more.

So tell me,,,what else do we need ??

Games !!!    I removed the old addicting game link(it was lame) and posted a couple new links in the Games box, I prefer albinoblacksheep myself,, but hey ,that's me.

And just to get your fingers limbered up
Here's a game I like,,nice and simple,,it just takes the right and left arrow keys and the space bar. 
Oh,,,you can even run on the walls too. Just so ya know.
Have a great weekend,,,Share some links, put em in the comment box,,
Be safe out there,,spring and summer is just around the corner
and we don't want to miss that

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