Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Another Day

Been awake since 3 am,,,gave up on getting back to sleep and got up at 4. 
Tiptoed around the house for a bit, but still woke up the Princess at 4:30..
.Uhhhh Yeah,,,but it's all good. She doesn't even gripe about it.

She may not be all smiles at 4:30,,,,but she's still cute ;)

That's not The Princess.
Found that pic on google images,,,it's on somebody elses blog around here.
(just too sweet not too share)

I got a wild hair this morning and decided to go hang out with my Pop's,,,
He like to run me to death !! I do well to keep up with him.

Naaa,, not really,,,we look more like 2 guys hobbling from a train wreck. (He's 73 and I'm 51)

We're not sure who's in the worst shape. All those years of hard construction work and
abusing our bodies with cigarettes and such has taken its toll on our old bodies.
( I say,,you really should quit smoking as I'm lighting another one)

But we do what we got to do and what we want. And nothing stops us.
We will find a way even if we have to pay somebody else.

Pops boogered himself up slipping and falling on the ice a couple months ago.

So I went with him to the chiropractor,,and when the pretty assistant came in the waiting room to get him I told her,,"work him over good,,he says he ain't gettin his moneys worth". hehehe

Then we went to the hospital to see mom
and I realized today just what a driving force love really is.
 I swear my Pops would drag himself across the parking lot and up 4 flights
of stairs,blown up and shot at to see my mom.

That's the way it should be. Thank goodness we didn't have to do that today though ;)

Mom's having surgery in the morning. We left from there and had a great lunch.

Then I took him home and we visited at the dining room table a bit.
He told me getting old is rough, I said yeah Pops,,I know. 
And yeah, one of those little smart ass brain cells of mine thought,,"No Shit Sherlock"

I don't have as much of a problem admitting my mortality as Pops does.
It will not bother me to grab one of the electric scooters when the time comes.
And of course,,I want mine tweaked a bit ;o)

It already doesn't bother me to say,,,"Naaaa, I can't do that anymore"
That's alot better than "Aww man,,,I wish I hadn't done that".

Then I told Pops about the expirience I had with the Ouija board when I was a punk.
I told him I was only going to live to 63,,with a chuckle,, I really don't believe in that stuff.
So I guess we'll see,,I can hardly wait till I'm 64 !! Just so I can say "neener,neener"

I had a great time with Pops today though.
I should really do it more often, but seems like life gets in the way a lot.

*Update*....well being lazy like I am,,,or just worn out, I didn't post yesterday.
Mom's surgery has been moved to this afternoon.
So Pops and me will be causing havoc and chaos in the world again today.

Hopefully Mom will get to come home when she's done,,
but I'm thinkin she may have to stay for observation. We'll see.

Soooooo,,guess I should post this,,,I'll fill ya in more later.

From my buddy in Texas,,,she knows what I like.
((Thanks Sparky))

BMW Germany's campaign for their factory approved "pre-owned" cars.

            Now that's advertising!

Ummmm,,,somebody's been sleeping around.

Subject: Cajun  Economics

It's a slow day in Mamou, Louisiana . The sun is beating down, and the streets are deserted. 
Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.

On  this particular day a traveling Shreveport salesman is driving through town.  
He stops at the Hotel Cazan and lays a $100 bill
on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms 
upstairs in order  to pick one in which to spend the night.

As soon as  the man walks upstairs, Bosco, the owner, grabs the bill and 
runs  next door to pay his debt to T-Boy the butcher.
T-boy takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the the pig farmer Fontenot..

Fontenot  takes the $100  and heads off to pay his bill at Boudreaux;s Farmers Co-op,
the local  supplier of feed and fuel.

Boudreaux at the Farmer's  Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the  local prostitute,
Clarise, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her "services" on credit.

Clarise rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with Bosco, the hotel owner. 
Bosco then places the $100 back on the  counter so the traveling salesman will not suspect  anything.

At that moment the salesman comes down the stairs, picks up the $100 bill, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money,and leaves town.

No one produced anything. No one earned anything. 
However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.

And that, my friend, is how the United  States Government is conducting business today.

Buckle up,,,,and have a great day =)
There's another one of those games that make you think...
I know,,,Dern it !


  1. There are some mornings I look like that though :-P

  2. Loved the Cajun economics! :) and we have those little zebronkies up at the caution light!!!! :)


I welcome all decent comments, please refrain from using foul language. That doesn't mean you can't criticize, but keep it clean. My momma may show up.