Thursday, April 8, 2010

Call it Friday, Heck it's close enough ;o)

Hey my water bill's under $30 dollars !!!
WoooHoooooooo !!!

I want some of what she had !!

I'm sure she was totally disappointed when it wore off,,,,,Hey Lisa,,,schedule me an oral surgery !!
(mumbles coming from the "Woman cave"),,,,Yes,,,I remember I don't have any teeth.

I almost passed by this one without a second thought. 
Clowns freak me out, Insane Clowns are even worse,,,,
but for some reason the title "Miracles" caught my attention.
It's something different. I enjoyed it, hope you do too.
 I'll warn you now, they use the F-word a little. But I've heard six graders talk worse.

00 00 00 !! Ugly wedding dresses !! Okay,,,I liked a couple,,,but what's up with #15 ??

Hey it's almost Friday !!

I'm kind of ticked off about this mine explosion in West Virginia. 

Let me repeat that,,,This mine was ordered closed sixty-one times in the last fifteen months.

The more I read,,,the more ticked I become,,,so I'm going to stop. 
I even read where a mother of one of the miners said....
"My son said this was going to happen"......

And after reading down through this,,,

But,,,,I guess we'll have to write it on the wall...
"Shit Happens"


I'm glad I'm not the safety manager at that place. If they even have one.

Have a great Friday !!


  1. I really enjoyed the Miracles video too!!

  2. LMAO @ the stoned girl :) ... liked the clown video alot! ... and i'm saddened that there are people in this world who think other people are expendable :(


I welcome all decent comments, please refrain from using foul language. That doesn't mean you can't criticize, but keep it clean. My momma may show up.